title: Risk factors and nutrition in aging (an epidemiological study of female population aged 64-75)
reg no: ETF5720
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3.4. Health Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Institute of Cardiology
head of project: Merilaid Saava
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2006
description: The present grant project is a part of targeted financed project of ECI that continues our departments' standartized research in epidemiology of CVD and risc factors of children and adult population (1981-2001), now broadening it to elderly age groups (in grant part under examination 300 women aged 65-74 formed from Estonian Population Register). That grants part we ask for the biochemical part of research, nutrition investigation and wages +stipendium of the personnel to the minimum level and taking part in the 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference (Norway, June 2004).
The main objectives of project include:
- the epidemiological investigation of prevalence of main risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemias, smoking, alcohol, overweight, hypodynamia and other factors of lifestyle and social conditions); these data will be analysed in comparison with younger age groups (aged 14- 64 years; 1999-2001);
-the epidemiological investigation of nutrition (energy and nutrient intakes, food patterns and conditions) by means of 24-hour-recall and food frequency methods in the randomly selected elderly population sample; The nutrition quidlines for elderly with the local specific features will be worked out;
- the associations to the common CVD risk factors as sedentary life style, hypercholesterolemia, elevated blood pressure, smoking and socio-economic conditions will be considered;
-the assessment of nutritional status with Mini Nutritional Assessment test, comparing it with BMI, body fat mass and other anthropological parameters. The aim is to improve the methodology for estimating of malnutrition or overweightness in older age-groups; to determine the health risks connected with changes in body weight of elderly differing of younger age-groups;
- to determine some biochemical indices that are connected with faulty nutrition and aging (cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, creatinine, albumin and homocysteine in serum).
The health risks that are connected and avoided with risk factors and nutrition are CVD, diabetes, hypovitaminoses, anaemia, dehydration, under-or overweight of elderly people.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jelena AbinaEKARDIteadur 
2.Ima-Riina Kisper Hint 
3.Merilaid SaavaEstonian Institute of Cardiologyhead of dept.