title: Infection of fish in river Emajõgi catchment area with dangerous to humans and pets parasite, the broad-tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) plerocercoids
reg no: ETF5732
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 4.5. Veterinary Medicine
status: completed
institution: Institute of Animal Husbandry at EAU
head of project: Jüri Kasesalu
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2005
description: .Diphyllobothriasis, a broad-tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) infection dangerous to humans and pets, is more prevalent in the surroundings of Lake Peipus and Võrtsjärv, compared with other areas in Estonia. Frequency of broad tapeworm larvae in the fish caught from Lake Peipus and Võrtsjärv has been studied in the1950s and 60s, whereas in the waterbodies of the catchment area of the river Emajõgi only random studies have been performed. Therefore it was necessary to start parasitological investigations in Emajõgi and the lakes connected with that river, since large quantities of fish are caught from these bodies of water, and Emajõgi is also an important fish migration path between Lake Peipus and Võrtsjärv. The main objectives of the present research project are to specify the fish parasitofauna in the waterbodies of the catchment area of Emajõgi, and to record the occurrence of plerocercoids of the broad tapeworm in visceral organs of fish.
On the basis of the obtained data the health condition of fish in the catchment area of Emajõgi will be estimated and compared with the data regarding Lake Peipus and Võrtsjärv, and moreover, the dangerousness of various species of fish as possible transmitters of diphyllobothriasis to humans and pets will be established.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jüri KasesaluInstitute of Animal Husbandry at EAUsenior research scientist