title: Influence of biotic interactions, abiotic conditions and anthropogenic activities on the plant population dynamics
reg no: ETF5809
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.14. Ecology
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Biology and Geography
head of project: Mari Moora
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: A central issue in ecology is to understand how environmental factors influence population dynamics. Such knowledge could help to explain the evolution of life histories and illustrate ecological processes thus being valuable in conservation biology. Anthropogenic factors change habitat characteristics and may determine the way and /or intensity of biotic interactions among and between natural populations. These processes could lead to the changes in spatial distribution and pattern of populations and species distribution in nature.Since pattern of plant species distribution is a result of interplay among local abiotic environment, in situ biotic interactions, historical processes and changes in land use, the real understanding of the causal mechanisms behind distribution pattern may only be possible through studying the effects of all possible factors and processes in complex.The main task of current project is to study experimentally influence of post dispersal local interactions and habitat physical conditions on the plant populations in semi natural communities and based on the results to suggest reasonable management system to maintaine habitats of plant populations under the study. Specifically asked questions are:
1. What is the structure and size of historically managed semi natural landscape plant populations?
2. What is the impact of habitat local conditions - abiotic factors and biotic interactions in plant population dynamics?
3. What type of land-use could maintain vitality of plant populations under study?

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ülle JõgarTartu Ülikool 
2.Mari MooraTU Faculty of Biology and Geographyresearcher 
3.Kai RünkTartu Ülikoolteadur