title: Distributional Patterns of Lichens Based on the Biogeographical Analysis of Estonian Lichen Flora
reg no: ETF5823
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.13. Botany
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Andres Saag
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: (1) To complete the electronic databasing of the Estonian herbarium of lichens in TU.
(2) To compose the electronic distribution maps of lichens recorded in Estonia using the database mentioned above and other data (reliable literature sources, specimens in other herbaria).
(3) To analyse the distribution maps statistically, determine the local distributional patterns, group the species with similar patterns; to connect the different distributional patterns with various bio-geographical gradients; to identify the location of the important phytoclimatic border in Estonia based on the geographic information of lichens.
(4) To find out the lichen species that are situated at the limits of their distributional areas in Estonia; to prepare the complete distributional maps of selected taxa.
(5) To propose microlichen species into the Red Data Book of Estonia.

Main results of this project will be published in the form of 6-7 papers in international scientific journals Printing of distribution maps of all lichens recorded in Estonia (ca 950 species) as a separate publication - atlas - is not planned because distributional information needs to be complemented continuously; locality data and distribution maps will be made available on the internet. Analysis of distributional data of lichen species and the identification of different distribution patterns will characterize the lichen flora of Estonia, its species richness, specifications and composition of geoelements more precisely. Compiling the global distribution maps is justified for the species that occur in Estonia at the limits of their whole area; such maps would probably be of wider importance. Practical importance of the project is related to the study of rare species - their distribution maps (both local and global) will help to determine which of them should be included in the Red Data Book of Estonia and which ones need practical protective measures.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Leili JärvaUniversity of Tartuvanemlaborant 
2.Inga JüriadoUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
3.Piret LõhmusUniversity of Tartudoktorant 
4.Tiina RandlaneUniversity of Tartudotsent 
5.Andres SaagUniversity of Tartusenior reseacher