reg no: ETF5845
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5.3. Sociology
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Social Sciences
head of project: Triin Vihalemm
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: The main goal of the research project is to analyse how the collective identities of the different groups within the Estonian population will be transformed when Estonia enters the more open Western political, economic-technological and cultural space. The objective is to analyse the interconnections of the transformation society and late modern society, their cultural interaction from the point of view of changing collective identities.
One of the major themes for research is the formation of ethno-territorial identities, as in the context of the approaching enlargement of the European Union, a new surge of interest in ethnic relation and development in ethno-cultural identities can be foreseen.
Another issue touches upon the relationship between social space and identity and the possible change of time-spatial frames of references of the collective identities after Estonia joins EU.
Thirdly, the project will focus on the challenges to personal identities in the knowledge society, more precisely in the context where the growth of knowledge provided via new technologies will increasingly affect the life-choices of individuals. One of the cases analysed will be the Estonian Genome Project.
For the realisation of the project, secondary analysis of the data of the representative survey of the research project "Formation of the Estonian media society of the 21st century" will be performed, as well as secondary analysis of national statistics. In the framework of the project, qualitative study will be conducted, for deeper analysis of the process of identity formation and of the relationship between different identity patterns and the perception of social and technological changes, and other social attitudes. The methodological advantage of the project is the possibilityb to connect quantitative and qualitative data sets: to find the representatives of target groups based on the results of the quantitative research.
The other, equally important goal of the project is to provide a possibility for participation in a collective research for two doctoral and one master student whose research interests correspond closely to the content of the project.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Külliki KortsTartu Ülikoolerakorraline teadur, doktorant 
2.Anu MassoTartu Ülikooldoktorant 
3.Maarja SiinerKopenhaageni Ülikoolmagistrant 
4.Peeter VihalemmTartu Ülikoolprofessor 
5.Triin VihalemmTU Faculty of Social SciencesAssociate Professor