title: Formation of 'public' in Estonia and construction of 'public' in Estonian media 1954 - 2004
reg no: ETF5854
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5.3. Sociology
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Social Sciences
head of project: Maarja Lõhmus
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: 'Public' is a central concept both in Estonian society and social analysis. The aim of project is to clarify formation of 'public' in Estonia as well as construction of 'public' in journalism 1954-2004.
Interlacing of the concept of public sphere to media and the phenomena of 'public text' is relatively new in social studies in Estonia. It is based on analysis of theories and practices of totalitarian-democracy (1), theories of sociology (2), and media theories (incl. theory of public text) (3)
Project is seeking the answer for followihg questions: how the 'public' has been created and constructed in the Estonian media during different eras and how those mechanism's shift has taken place? What are the functions of the mediated 'public' in different systems - totalitarian/democratic ones? What kind of roles' are allocated to the 'participation' by the media? What are the most critical questions of 'public' concerning Information age?
Periodisation:1954-1969 formation of Soviet media and Soviet society, latent public in the sphere of culture under circumstances of totalitarian regime;1970-1987 crisis of the Soviet system, manifestation of the latent public in cultural sphere and development of latent political public sphere (dissidents)
1987-1991 disintegration of the Soviet regime, formation and development of political public in media
1992-2003 Modernisation/postmodernisation of public, preparation for the accession to other societies and institutions. 2004 - development of e-society and network 'public', development towards Information society.
As a results of the study will be: conferences 2005, 2006 and the publication of monograph 2007 - which will consist of two parts - theoretical and practical (both in Estonian and in English); 10 articles in international publications will be published. Project is interconnected with theme 'Estonian media in the 21.st Century' (by Marju Lauristin), developing of analysis of the most important aspect - 'public'.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Sigrid Kaasik-KrogerusHelsinki Ülikoolteadur 
2.Ragne KõutsTartu Ülikoollektor 
3.Mikko LagerspetzEHI 
4.Maarja LõhmusTU Faculty of Social Sciencesresearcher 
5.Rein RuutsooTallinn University of Educational Sciencesprofessor 
6.Indrek TreufeldtTartu Ülikoolkorrespondent