title: Transboundary landscapes
reg no: ETF5858
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.11. Natural Geography (incl Meteorology, Geophysics)
5.8. Human, Social and Economical Geography
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Biology and Geography
head of project: Hannes Palang
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2006
description: The proposed study aims at identifying the role of landscape as a carrier of cultural identity, a resource that needs better management. The border areas are also sources of overlapping identities, arenas of competing identifications and thus potential sources of conflicts.The proposed study will focus on how different cultural and historical backgrounds create different landscapes out of similar or comparable natural conditions, but also how the specific characters of these landscapes should be managed through planning, local involvement and management. The study will be carried out in a set of test areas stretching over different national borders. The study will: a) study the change of landscape as a result of human impact, in connection with the ethnic, cultural, political, economical situation in the related historical periods; b) identify the cultural and symbolic aspects of the landscape and determine their links with ethnic, regional and national identity; c) monitor the influence of landscape representations to local people in different social formations; d) indicate ways for sustainable management of these transboundary landscapes

project group
no name institution position  
1.Tõnu OjaTartu Ülikoolgeoinfomraatika ja kartograafia professor 
2.Hannes PalangTU Faculty of Biology and Geographysenior researcher