title: Construction of environmentally safe plant virus vectors
reg no: ETF5909
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 2.7. Biotechnology, Food and Drink Technology
4.2. Crop Sciences (inc. Horticulture)
status: accepted
institution: TTU Faculty of Science
head of project: Erkki Truve
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: We propose:
i) to construct a new plant virus vector based on cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus (CfMV, an efficiently propagating virus with icosahedral particles which infects monocots growing in temperate pastures);
ii) to insert strong antigenic determinants from animal pathogens into the constructed vector,
iii) to immunise mice with CfMV-infected plant material;
iv) to compare the efficiency of vaccines expressed from differently modified CfMV-based vectors;
v) to test the potential of sobemoviruses to recombine in monocot hosts and map the hotspots of recombination;
vi) to mutate the possible recombination hotspots in CfMV-based vector;
vii) to test the modified CfMV-based vector for potential recombinations with naturally occurring sobemoviruses;
viii) to screen Estonian fields and pastures for the possible occurrence of CfMV-related sobemoviruses.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kadri JärveTallinn Technical Universityosakonnajuhataja 
2.Merike MeierTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
3.Lenne NigulKBFIteadur 
4.Cecilia SarmientoTallinn Technical Universityteadur 
5.Erkki TruveTTU Faculty of Scienceprof., director