title: Analysis of the vertical structure of the marine ecosystem elements and its dependance on the coastal sea processes based on high resolution modelling and measurements.
reg no: ETF5929
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.16. Marine Sciences and Limnology
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Marine Institute
head of project: Ülo Suursaar
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: The main goal of the proposed project is to investigate the role of the vertical aspect of the coastal sea hydrophysical, -chemical and -biological processes on the basis of up-to-date measuring equipment (RDCP 600) and models (non-hydrostatic 3D marine ecosystem model). The project involves an analysis of the vertical structure of currents depending on different boundary and forcing conditions, up- and downwellings, entrainment, Langmuir circulation, etc, and an investigation of their influence on the horizontal distribution of ecosystem parameters.

The expected results are:
a) Better (more precise, more correct) description of the Estonian coastal marine areas due to the application of high-resolution measuring and modelling techniques.
b) Analysis of the influence of the vertical aspect of different processes and ecosystem elements on their horizontal distribution (aspect).
c) Analysis of the co-influence of different processes by switching them "on" and "off" in the model.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Peeter EnnetEesti Mereinst.vanemteadur 
2.Tiit KullasEesti Mereinst.erak. vanemteadur 
3.Ülo SuursaarEstonian Marine Institutesenior scientist 
4.Rein TamsaluEesti Mereinst.vanemteadur, sektorijuhataja