title: Social Justice in Estonian Society: changing perceptions of new generations?
reg no: ETF5952
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5.3. Sociology
status: completed
institution: Institute of International and Social Studies at TUES
head of project: Jelena Helemäe
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2005
description: The main objective of current project is to study the age and generations as determinants of justice perceptions, to what extent these beliefs of young people socialized in Estonian Republic differ from older generations' ones. The grant is needed for conducting and analyzing data of the survey (1000 interviews).

The main hypothesis is that justice beliefs, characteristic for both socialist-type societies and Western democracies are represented in Estonia. Our point of departure is consistent with theories that seek to integrate both ideological and structural explanations of origins of the justice norms and beliefs. We intend to study to which explanations - those stem from group norms or those stem from hierarchy of social positions - Estonian case fits the best. The juxtaposition of methodology of proposed study with that of International Social Survey Programme and International Social Justice Project would offer opportunity for wider comparisons.

We hypothesize that changes in justice perceptions of Estonian society occur through the changes of generations. This grand would contribute to the deepening of understanding of the role of generations in social change as well as generational perception of these changes. In this sense we consider the link to other current ESF grant ("Life plans and life course in the post-socialist Estonia: biographies of the Generation of winners") to be of a great value. Proposed grand would benefit from opportunity to use "soft" information for better interpretation of highly standardized survey data, while conclusions of current grant would benefit from opportunity to be juxtaposed with the data of society at large.
We propose to prepare a number of papers during the second year of project.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jelena HelemäeInstitute of International and Social Studies at TUESsenior researcher 
2.Ellu SaarTPÜ RASIvanemteadur 
3.Kadri TähtMajandus- ja kommunikatsiooni Ministeeriumpeaspetsialist 
4.Marge UntTPÜ RASIteadur