title: Morphological characteriststics of different of sea buckthorn cultivars for mechanical fruit harvesting. Investigation of fruit oil content.
reg no: ETF5988
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 4.2. Crop Sciences (inc. Horticulture)
status: accepted
institution: Polli Institute of Horticulture Institute
head of project: Toivo Univer
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: Popularity of a new for Estonia fruit crop, sea buckthorn, is increasing. The key-problem of its cultivating is fruit harvesting. In Estonia, original fruit shaker HK-2 was constructed. However, it requires cultivars with certain morphological parameters being connected with fruit size and mass, its meat-density, length of fruit stalk and its fragility, fruit-shell-strength and degree of ripeness of the fruit. Oil in the most valuable constituent part of the fruit. But cultivars differ in oil and its fractions content.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Edgar HaakEPMÜ Polli Aianduse Instituutvanemteadur 
2.Madli JalakasRõhu katsejaamjuhataja 
3.Krista TiirmaaEPMÜ Polli Aianduse Instituutteadur 
4.Neeme UniverEPMÜ Polli Aianduse Instituutteadur 
5.Toivo UniverPolli Institute of Horticulture Institutesenior researcher