title: Development of the system for identification of therapeutic targets
reg no: ETF5999
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 2.7. Biotechnology, Food and Drink Technology
3.1. Basic Medicine
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Biocentre
head of project: Mart Ustav
duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007
description: We plan to develop efficient system for identification of therapeutic targets in the human and animal cells. The system will have two basic components. First, we shall have a Tandem Affinity Purification method for identification of protein complexes, which will have a set of different vectors for expression of TAP/tagged proteins. The partners interacting with the TAP tagged protein will be identified using mass/spectrometry. The second component of this system will be two/hybrid system for animal cells, where interaction between two proteins in the specific cell compartment will be identified by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Nele JaansonTÜMRIteadur 
2.Meelis KadajaTÜMRIdoktorant 
3.Tiiu MandelFITteadur 
4.Andres MännikFITteadur 
5.Mart UstavEstonian Biocentredirector