title: Irregularity of temporal patterns in perennial herbs as a phenomenon of intermodular interactions
reg no: ETF6044
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences
head of project: Tiiu Kull
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: The aim of the project is a comparative study of temporal irregularity of flowering and dormancy in perennial herbs among species differing in ramet connections. We are going to study the following main hypotheses: (1) irregular performance throughout years is not only typical to orchids; (2) irregularity patterns differ among groups of species with different types of modular connections (e.g., rhizomatous, tuberous, or pseudobulbous species); (3) species that tend to behave as invasives or weeds show less irregularity in their dynamics. The main method of study is comparative analysis of performance in large number of marked individuals among Botrychium, Carex, Cephalanthera, Corydalis, Cypripedium, Liparis, Malaxis, Neotinea, Orchis, and Solidago. Using the considerable experience of our group in ecology of terrestrial orchids and clonal plants, and a local advantage to access simultaneously many important species for a comparative study, the project will test an original hypothesis about a source of chaotic dormancy and flowering in perennial herbs. The effect we are going to study has not been considered in common models of population dynamics. In addition to this general biological interest, the attractive phenomenon that occurs particularly in rare plants would be of importance also in nature concervation, and in improving methods of plant population monitoring.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ülle KukkEPMÜ KKIsenior researcher 
2.Thea KullInstitute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciencesresearcher 
3.Tiiu KullInstitute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciencessen.researcher 
4.Kadri TaliInstitute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life SciencesResearcher 
5.Merle ÖöpikInstitute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life SciencesLecturer, PhD student