title: Stellar evolution at low metallicity:mass loss, explosions, cosmology
reg no: ETF6102
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: completed
institution: Tartu Observatory
head of project: Tiit Nugis
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005
description: The aim of this grant is to organize the international astrophysical Workshop ''Stellar evolution at low metallicity: mass loss, explosions, cosmology'' in Tartu on Aug. 15-19, 2005. Some 80-100 astronomers from different countries are expected to attend this Workshop. The scientific results of Tartu Workshop are planned to be published in the ASP Conf. Series. The co-chairs of the SOC are prof. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers (the Netherlands) and N. Langer (the Netherlands). The chair of the LOC is T. Nugis (Tartu Observatory).

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kalju AnnukTartu Observatoryresearch associate, computer administrator 
2.Indrek KolkaTartu ObservatorySenior research associate 
3.Laurits LeedjärvTartu ObservatoryDirector 
4.Tiit NugisTartu ObservatorySenior research associate 
5.Mare RuusaleppTartu ObservatoryHead of the group of information