title: Leptogenesis, Supersymmetry and LHC Physics
reg no: ETF6140
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
head of project: Martti Raidal
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: The aim of this project is, on the one hand, to perform a theoretical investigation of supersymmetric leptogenesis, and to relate it to neutrino masses, cosmology and to collider and low energy particle physics experiments. We study new supersymmetric leptogenesis mechanisms particularly concentrating on the scenario of split supersymmetry, in which the new intermediate scale is identified with the heavy B-L breaking scale in neutrino mass models. Connections to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) physics as well as to the quark flavour physics are expected to be deduced. On the other hand, our aim is also to contribute to discovery of this new physics at the LHC Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. First we port the CMS software to the NorduGrid environment and participate in the CERN DataChallenge program. After that we contribute to the simulation and analyses of new physics scenarios at CMS concentrating on the low luminosity phase of LHC. The scenarios we consider contain triplet Higgs boson or split supersymmetry. After 2007, when real LHC data will be available, we perform real searches for new physics.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Andi HektorInstitute of Chemical Physics and Biophysicsresearch scientist 
2.Endel LippmaaInstitute of Chemical Physics and BiophysicsChairman of the Board and Head of the Laboratory o 
3.Martti RaidalInstitute of Chemical Physics and Biophysicssenior researcher 
4.Alar RummelInstitute of Chemical Physics and Biophysicsresearch scientist 
5.Juhan SubbiInstitute of Chemical Physics and Biophysicssenior scientist 
6.Aleksander TrummalInstitute of Chemical Physics and Biophysicsresearch scientist