title: Dynamics of the gammar and vocabulary of Estonian in 1990-2000ies
reg no: ETF6147
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn University of Educational Sciences
head of project: Helle Metslang
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: The changes that took place in the functioning conditions of Estonian language in the 1990s, have brought along changes in Estonian as a whole but also in its sublanguages.
The objective of the present project is: to provide an overview of the dynamics of the grammar of Estonian common and written languages, vocabulary and expressions in the 1990s to 2000s, the changes and their intensity, the spreading, emergence mechanisms, trends intra- and extralinguistic factors and influence on the language as a whole and on its subsystems. Evaluating and forecasting the influence of the changes will in its turn provide information for language maintenance and planning.
Project performs the task set up in section 4.1 of "Strategy for Estonian Language Developing 2004-2010" compiled by The Estonian Language Council and confirmed by the Estonian Government, to research the latest changes in Estonian vocabulary and grammar, in order to withhold them within the borders beneficial to the development of Estonian. Results of the project will be published in the form of articles. There is an intention to organize an international academic event annually and to publish a collection summarizing the project. The results of the project will be applicable in language maintenance, language learning and support the implementation of development strategy of Estonian language.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Martin EhalaTallinn University of Educational SciencesProfessor 
2.Anu-Reet HausenbergTallinn University of Educational Sciencesprofessor, head of the chair of Estonian as a fore 
3.Helle MetslangTallinn University of Educational Sciencesprofessor 
4.Peep NemvaltsTallinn University of Educational Sciencesass. professor 
5.Katre ÕimTallinn University of Educational Sciencessenior researcher