title: The role of suspension feeding in coastal marine food webs
reg no: ETF6015
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Estonian Marine Institute
head of project: Jonne Kotta
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: The suspension feeders are extremely active and dynamic part of the marine systems. Nevertheless, the factors that regulate the suspension feeding in natural environments and the effects of suspension feeders on other components of ecosystem are largely unknown.

This project is the first integrated investigation where benthic and pelagic suspension feeders are experimentally studied in a comparative and comprehensive framework. During the project we (1) quantify the spectrum of prey type and size for various benthic and pelagic suspension feeders, (2) focus on coupling between the benthos and the plankton by quantifying the grazing of benthic and pelagic suspension feeders, (3) estimate the effect of flow conditions on benthic and pelagic suspension feeding, (4) relate spatial distribution pattern, density and diversity of benthic suspension feeders to flow conditions, (5) quantify the effects of benthic suspension feeders on sediment infauna, (6) study the effects of benthic suspension feeders on benthic macrovegetation, (7) answer the question why the benthic suspension feeders are well suited to be invaders in aquatic ecosystems and (8) compare the succession and development of benthic communities with and without suspension feeders.

Although, the importance of this feeding strategy is particularly apparent, the necessity for interdisciplinary studies has resulted in our poor knowledge about the ecological role of suspension feeders. To conclude, this grant will significantly contribute to the understanding the important ecological role of suspension feeding communities in the coastal ecosystems.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ilmar KottaUniversity of Tartuscientist 
2.Jonne KottaEstonian Marine Institutesenior scientist 
3.Henn OjaveerUniversity of Tartusenior scientist 
4.Mart SimmUniversity of Tartusenior scientist 
5.Rein TamsaluUniversity of Tartusenior scientist, head of department