title: Investigation of the influence of different diffuse pollution sources on the nitrogen and phosphorus runoff from watersheds in Estonia.
reg no: ETF6199
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Anatoli Vassiljev
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2007
description: Proposed investigation will expand our knowledge about processes of formation of the diffuse pollution coming into Estonian rivers. This problem is significant not only for Estonia. Scientists from many countries work intensively in this area. Use of methods of a hydromechanics for modeling may be regarded as essential scientific contribution into modeling of nutrient fluxes on watersheds. The planned investigations are necessary for implementation of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union.
The main aim of the project is estimation of the role of the different diffuse pollution sources in the formation of nutrient run-off from watersheds in Estonia. It consists of three subtasks.
Evaluation of the impact of the different factors on the nutrient run-off from watersheds on the base of the analysis of existing monitoring data.
Investigation of effluence of melioration and peat extraction on the nutrient load from the watersheds.
Preparation of the results of investigation in the form, which is suitable for use in the programs on water resources management.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Irina BlinovaInstitute of Ecology at Tallinn University of Educational SciencesResearcher 
2.Peeter EnnetEesti Keskkonnaminist. Info- ja TehnokeskusWater main specialist 
3.Anatoli VassiljevTallinn Technical Universitysenior scientist