title: Epidemiology of nosocomial bloodstream infections and genetic markers of antimicrobial resistance in invasive bacterial strains
reg no: ETF6458
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Matti Maimets
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: Nosocomial infections affect about 5-10% of all hospitalized patients, about 30% of patients in intensive care units, and are associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, increased length of stay and additional costs. The burden is even more pronounced with nosocomial bloodstream infections (NBSI), frequently caused by multresistant bacteria, with mortality rate of 25-60% and increase in length of stay for 14 days.
Main Goal
To study the incidence and risk factors of NBSI, the spectrum and antimicrobial resistance patterns of invasive bacterial strains, and molecular markers of resistance. To reduce the morbidity, mortality and additional costs of NBSI in Estonia.
1. The surveillance system of NBSI according to the internationally accepted criteria will be created; Estonian hospitals will join the HELICS (Hospital in Europe Link for Infection Control through Surveillance) framework;
2. Evidence-based guidelines of antibiotic therapy according to the local spectra of etiologies, antimicrobial resistance patterns and genetic markers of resistance will be implemented:
3. The PCR methods developed will be used for rapid detection and investigation of outbreaks in Estonian hospitals.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Krista LõivukeneClinicum of Tartu Universityclinical bacteriologist 
2.Matti MaimetsUniversity of Tartudocent 
3.Paul NaaberClinicum of Tartu UniversityHead of Dept Clinical Microbiology 
4.Epp SeppUniversity of TartuSenior Researcher