title: The valuation of Human Capital in Estonian labour market: issues of overeducation and skill mismatch
reg no: ETF6479
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Kaia Philips
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: In most developed countries the demand for better-qualified labour has increased during the last decade and also the supply of high-skilled and educated labour has increased. Mostly, the growth of the supply of higher-educated labour force has been faster than the growth of the demand for such labour. This has caused problems of workers' overeducation and difficulties of employability for low-skilled workers. The question arises, whether the problems of workers' overeducation and crowding out of low-skilled workers are characteristic to Estonian labour market and what kind of influence they have to employment and wage prospects for workforce with different educational background.
The main purpose of the research project is to analyse how employees' educational levels match to the qualification requirements of labour market, in order to explain the current labour market situation and further prospects of employability of employees' with different educational background. Research focuses on the following subjects: matching of education and skill requirements in labour market, workers' overeducation, the situation and perspectives of low-skilled workers, the labour market situation of different social groups, life-long learning and career opportunities.
As the development of economy is increasingly knowledge-driven, inadequate educational attainment is becoming the primary determinant of labour market disadvantage and low educational attainment is a particular problem. Analysis of the situation and prospecs of individuals with different educational and skills levels in labour market helps to understand the behaviour and further developments of those labour market segments in knowledge-driven society and to give additional information for policy making. The results of the project are planned to publish as academic articles in peer-reviewed journals and the findings will be summarised in a collective monograph.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Raul EametsUniversity of TartuAssociated professor (dotsent) 
2.Kristjan-Olari LepingUniversity of Tartulecturer 
3.Jaan MassoUniversity of TartuResearch Fellow 
4.Kaia PhilipsUniversity of TartuAss. Prof.