title: Novel peptidic and non-peptidic antioxidative predrugs, their biochemical-molecular characterisation and testing on different model systems
reg no: ETF6503
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Ursel Soomets
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: This project is continuing previous investigation (supported by Estonian Scientific Foundation; Grant 4913). Our group designed and synthesized novel glutathione (GSH) analogue, in which to the N-terminus of GSH molecule methoxyphenylalanine residue was added. (Patent: Antioxidant, inventors: Ü. Langel, U. Soomets, E. Vasar, M. Zilmer, assignee : Vulpes Ltd., no. 110035500. PCT/SE01/01351).The main aims of the study.
1. Design, synthesis and in vitro testing, including characterisation of antioxidative properties, of novel peptidic and non-peptidic compounds. Addition of hydrophobic coded and non-coded amino acid residues to the N-terminus of GSH; to amidate or esterify C-terminal carboxylic acid group of analogues.
2. Synthesis of radioactively labeled (tritium label) UPF analogues; synthesis of fluorescence labeled UPF analogues; synthesis of cell-penetrating UPF analogue constructs (UPF-S-S-cell-penetrating peptide). To study cellular internalisation and intracellular distribution of novel compounds in different cell lines: Bowes melanoma cell line, primary neuronal cell cultures (astrocytes), and in pancreatic beeta-cells.
3. To study toxicity of novel UPF analogues in different cell (Bowes cells, PC12, SHSY-5Y cell lines, primary neuronal cultures).
4. To study interaction of novel UPF analogues with different proteins in the blood, in cellular membranes and in cytoplasm.
5. To study possible preventive effects of novel UPF analogues in Parkinson disease MPTP model and in the model of nephrectomy.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Kersti EhrlichUniversity of Tartuspecialist 
2.Riina MahlapuuUniversity of Tarturesearcher 
3.Priit PõderKardiovaskulaarkirurgia kliinik TÜresident in vascular surgery field and PhD student 
4.Kristiina RootsUniversity of TartuPhD student 
5.Ursel SoometsUniversity of TartuAssociate Professor 
6.Säde ViirlaidUniversity of Tartulecturer