title: Changes in the grammatical system of Estonian: a usage-based analysis of language change and its reasons
reg no: ETF6510
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Ilona Tragel
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: The aim of the research programme is to analyse and explain changes in the Estonian grammatical system. The data will be derived mostly from spoken language, including child language, but also from uses combining elements of spoken and written language: Internet forums, e-mails, text messages. The analysis will focus on instances of grammaticalisation which are not related to particular channels of communication. Usages commonly regarded as mistakes in written language provide another rich source of data, if studied not from a normative perspective but rather with the aim of finding out something about the functional motivation behind such mistakes – why the mistakes are being made. Mistakes, too, may be related to more general developments in language or even to cognitive or psychological universals underlying the way we understand and talk about the world.

The results will be presented at conferences and published in refereed linguistic journals. While the data are especially relevant for Estonian researchers and language planners, they are likely to be of interest also to the international research community, particularly from the perspective of grammaticalisation theory.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Külli HabichtUniversity of Tartuassociate professor (0,5); senior researcher (0,5) 
2.Leelo KeevallikUppsala Ülikoolresearcher 
3.Liina LindströmUniversity of Tarturesearch fellow 
4.Pire TerasUniversity of Tarturesearch fellow 
5.Ilona TragelUniversity of Tarturesearch fellow extraordinaria 
6.Ann VeismannUniversity of TartuPhD student