title: New methods for formation of nanostructures on surfaces and their properites.
reg no: ETF6537
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: University of Tartu
head of project: Ilmar Kink
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2008
description: Formation of test samples is so vital and complicated part of experimental nanosciences that it has become an independent research subject aiming at creation of samples with desired properties for (applied) research. The present project consists of three directions with a common long-term goal - development of methods of making test nanostructures for nanotechnological research at the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu. Besides, the nanostructures will be characterized by several advanced methods including scanning probe and electron microscopies in order to investigate relationships between their fundamental properties, and the creation methods and conditions, which would contribute to research in (applied) material science.The directions are:1) Investigation of nanostructures that are created during the interaction between UV laser radiation and solid surfaces. The goal is to understand a mechanism of the phenomenon and develop a method for creation nanostructures with desired properties (size, regularity, surface density etc.). The new knowledge will also contribute to global understanding and modelling of laser ablation processes. 2) Development of advanced methods for making carbon-nanotubes (CNT) and similar nanostructures by applying combinatory methods based on chemical vapour deposition (CVD). The aims are to improve the parameters of the structures and the efficiency of the methods, and also to study the properties of the structures and their dependences on the growing methods. 3) Development of a method for linking nanostructures (nanoballs, nanorings etc.) from gold and other materials to ultra-smooth silane surface. The goal is to study such samples and determine interaction properties between nanostructures and the surface, individual nanostructures, and also study dynamics of the nanostructures on the surface.The results of the research, new methods, and test samples will be utilized by several other basic as well as applied research projects.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ilmar KinkUniversity of Tartusenior scientist 
2.Ants LõhmusInstitute of Physics at University of Tartusenior scientist 
3.Valter ReedoUniversity of TartuMTL engineer 
4.Kristjan SaalUniversity of Tartuscientist 
5.Tanel TätteUniversity of Tartuscientist