title: Methods of game theory and risk analysis in data security
reg no: ETF6096
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
status: accepted
institution: Cybernetica AS
head of project: Jan Willemson
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2006
description: Game theoretic methods are used to study the mechanisms behind several global-scale data security problems (spam mail, denial of service attacks, viruses etc).
The attacking and defending parties are considered as antagonistic populations, for which the laws of evolutionary game theory, expressed in the form of Volterra equations, can be applied. The study of these laws enables to predict data security risks and to analyze their dynamics. The results will be applied to estimate practical data security risks for better planning the protection methods and for reasonably managing their costs.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Arne AnsperCybernetica ASDevelopment Manager 
2.Kristo HeeroCybernetica ASSoftware engineer 
3.Monika OitCybernetica ASteadusdirektor 
4.Uuno PuusCybernetica ASHead of Laboratory 
5.Meelis RoosCybernetica ASresearcher 
6.Jan WillemsonCybernetica ASSenior Research Engineer