title: Causal mechanisms between the development of diseases and health disorders and socio-economic and psycho-social environment
reg no: SF0942706s06
project type: targeted financing
subject: 3.1. Basic Medicine
3.4. Health Sciences
status: accepted
institution: National Institute for Health Development
head of project: Maarike Harro
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2011
description: The aim of planned theme is to study the mechanisms of developing the metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and chronic obstructive lung diseases in different age groups. Besides behavioural risk factors, psycho-social factors will be studied, using longitudinal design and identical research methodology at the same time in several countries. Children aged 2 to 8 years (6th Framework Programme 6-FP6-2004-FOOD-3-A; proposal 016181-2), schoolchildren and adolescents aged 9 to 25; and adults aged 15 to 84 years will be involved in five subprojects. The influence of genetic, biochemical, behavioural factors and psychosocial environment will be estimated together, in complex. The relevance of the project is increased by the intervention activities. The results of the investigation will form the basis for the more effective governmental health programs and policies (i.e. the public policy for prevention of cardio-vascular diseases) and will improve the whole public health politics.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Maarike HarroNational Institute for Health DevelopmentDirector General 
2.Helle-Mai LoitNational Institute for Health DevelopmentChronic disease prevention department, senior researcher 
3.Leila OjaNational Institute for Health Developmentresearcher lecturer of sport pedagogy 
4.Jaak PõllusteNational Institute for Health Developmentscientific secretary