title: Theoretical and Practical Security of Heterogenous Information Systems
reg no: SF0012708s06
project type: targeted financing
subject: 2.9. System Engineering and Computer Technology
status: accepted
institution: Cybernetica AS
head of project: Ahto Buldas
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2011
description: Modern information systems consist of components of different type and performance. This considerbly complicates the security design and analysis. Heterogenous systems are not only a challenge for the human intuition but also for the formal apparatus, which is used in security analysis and proofs today. Current theoretical methods are mostly applicable to the systems with a relatively small number of different components and to a limited number of attack scenarios. The aim of this project is to support the development of theories that are able to handle the main security aspects of heterogenous systems, as well as to develop suitable security solutions. In addition to developing new cryptographic protocols and primitives we plan to strengthen the links between security theory and practice by adopting traditional risk analysis methods for measuring security in a quantitative way. Studies are planned in the following main theoretical directions: (1) Practice-driven security notions for cryptographic primitives; (2) Constructing secure protocols from simple base primitives; (3) Primitives that are secure in arbitrary environments and configurations; and (4) Efficient constructions of cryptographic primitives; and also in the following practice-oriented directions: (5) Quantitative definitions and evaluation of security, (6) Security in systems with low performance, and (7) Developing efficient security management technologies.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Arne AnsperCybernetica ASDevelopment Manager 
2.Ahto BuldasCybernetica ASprofessor 
3.Margus FreudenthalCybernetica ASResearcher 
4.Kristo HeeroCybernetica ASSoftware engineer 
5.Raul IsotammCybernetica ASscientist 
6.Peeter LaudCybernetica ASsenior researcher 
7.Helger LipmaaCybernetica ASSenior researcher/Professor 
8.Helen PriisaluCybernetica ASsenior DW consultant 
9.Uuno PuusCybernetica ASHead of Laboratory 
10.Meelis RoosCybernetica ASresearcher 
11.Märt SaareperaCybernetica AS 
12.Jan WillemsonCybernetica ASSenior Research Engineer