title: Impact of lifelong learning on life course and social cohesion in Estonian society
reg no: SF0132682s05
project type: targeted financing
subject: 5.3. Sociology
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studies
head of project: Rein Vöörmann
duration: 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2010
description: The project focuses on the impact of lifelong learning on life course and social cohesion in Estonian society. Its objectives are to study (a) the effect of country-specific institutions on access of adults to lifelong learning; (b) learning potentials and learning processes in different social groups and milieus at the different stages of life course; (c) interdependencies between opportunities generated by institutional framework and motivation of potential learners. This project is aimed to assess the effectiveness of access policies and practices in Estonia on the backdrop of European countries.
The project suggests a new evolutionary approach. Country-specific institutional systems are closely interrelated and complementary. These country-specific institutional 'packages' should shape the opportunities for lifelong learning and yield different outcomes of analogous political reforms. Thus, the development of lifelong learning policies and practices can only be properly analyzed by taking into account the mutual interdependence of institutional settings and different policies connected with lifelong learning within the country as well as individual identity work, construction of meanings and the formation of social relations.
The study will be carried out on three levels: macro, meso and micro in order to look at the interaction and relationship between macro-structural factors, national policies, institutional factors and adults as potential learners. It is planned to collect data from three different types of actors: (a) individuals as potential learners (a survey and semi-structured interviews); (b) representatives of education institutions, NGO’s and local authorities (structured interviews); (c) representatives of employers (a survey and semi-structured interviews).

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jelena HelemäeTallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studiessenior researcher 
2.Larissa JõgiTallinn University, Institute of International and Social StudiesHead at the Chair of Andragogy, ass.prof 
3.Margarita KazjuljaTallinn University, Institute of International and Social StudiesResearcher 
4.Ellu SaarTallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studiessenior researcher 
5.Kadri TähtTallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studiesextraordinary researcher 
6.Marge UntTallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studiesresearcher 
7.Rein VöörmannTallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studiessenior researcher, chair of the department of social stratification