title: Defect studies in chalcopyrite ternaries
reg no: ETF6554
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.3. Physics
2.2. Materials Science
status: accepted
institution: TTU Faculty of Chemistry and Materials Technology
head of project: Jüri Krustok
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009
description: The main aim of this project is to find out the nature of recombination centres in various ternary compounds. First we will study CuIn3Se5, CuGa3Se5, CuIn4Se6, CuIn5Se8 and CuGa5Se8 crystals because they are less studied and highly important. But we certainly will study other I-III-VI2 compounds with different stoichiometry as well. The photoluminescence spectroscopy together with the admittance spectroscopy will be used.
We will try to study more closely the recombination near dislocations and junctions and continue also to study a complexes with deep donor- deep acceptor in ternaries. Our plan is also to study the effect of various technological treatments on recombination centres. During the grant fulfilment, fundamental questions of complex semiconductors physics will be solved: determination of nature of recombination centres, defects and stoichiometric deviations, that is the properties accompanying to crystals and thin films growth of ternary compounds will be studied. The obtained knowledge will help to understand the physics of these materials and give routes to engineer modern technologies of growing of structural perfect single crystals, films and devices on their base.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Mati Danilson 
2.Maarja Grossberg 
3.Andri Jagomägi 
4.Jüri KrustokTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Keemia- ja materjalitehnoloogia teaduskond 
5.Jaan Raudoja