title: Traumatic brain injury in childhood - epidemiological study
reg no: ETF6627
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3.3. Clinical Medicine
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Medicine
head of project: Tiina Talvik
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009
description: In Estonia the deaths due to traumas are 10 times more frequent than in Malta and 4 times more frequent than in Finland and major part of deaths are caused by traumatic brain injury. There are no studies about the incidence or long-term results of traumatic brain injury in Estonia. According to the literature the deficits in cognitive profile will arise also in case of mild traumatic brain injury, even though these children are less studied than children with severe traumatic brain injury and that is why they often do not get any rehabilitation.
The aim of this study is to investigate the traumatic brain injury’s incidence, causes, structure and influence on child’s later general (motor and so on) and cognitive development The study is planned as a prospective study (observing children with traumatic brain injury one year following the injury). The results should clarify many important problems – the correlation between clinical findings and brain’s morphological findings, prognostic symptoms in acute period that could predict the long-term results, the profile of cognitive deficit and its dependence of trauma’s severity, location and child’s gender. The results should enable to make decisions that would decrease traumas and traumatic brain injuries in Estonia.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Heli Grünberg 
2.Anneli Kolk 
3.Tiina TalvikTartu Ülikool 
4.Tiiu Tomberg 
5.Gerli Ventsel