title: Space: The Concept and Object in Interdisciplinary Perspective (Methodological Aspects of the Integration of Social and Human Sciences)
reg no: ETF6729
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5.10. Semiotics
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Social Sciences
head of project: Anti Randviir
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2008
description: In short, the main target of the project is stating that space is one of the base concepts in social and human sciences, and through deep analysis of that term attention can be drawn at the relative proximity of social and human sciences; on the one hand the project aims at reducing spatial studies and working out a coherent complex approach by bringing together the relevant terminologies and methodologies. Our hypotheses and targets are as follows:
1. Presumption: today social sciences (and their relations with human sciences) are characterised by their becoming interdisciplinary.
Corollary: it is necessary to inspect the integration and interference of social (and human) sciences in a) terminology, and b) methodology.
2. Presumption: at the integration and interference of social (and human) sciences there is a great share of semiotics as a facilitator and systematiser of inter- and transdisciplinariness.
Corollary: it is a necessity to comparatively inspect the relation of the basic dictionary and methodology of semiotics and other social sciences, especially with those using explicitly semiotic terminology.
3. Presumption: the role of semiotics in the integration and interference of social (and human) sciences is becoming more and more cognised, nevertheless it has not yet been investigated. At the same time contemporary semiotics is at the verge of new developmental epoch which is characterised by the integration of diverse trends in semiotics.
Corollary: it is necessary to inspect the basic dictionary from within semiotics itself, and through the comparison of that with other social sciences to outline possibilities semiotics could actually offer for the unification of integrating social sciences.
4. Presumption: in the shaping of the contemporary semiotic dictionary there is an important part of the Tartu-Moscow School of cultural semiotics.
Corollary: it is necessary to inspect the relation of the basic dictionary of cultural semiotics with those of other trends in semiotics.
5. Presumption: one of the specific features of semiotics at the study of sociocultural units is a coherent perspective conjoining semantics, syntactics and pragmatics.
Corollary: it is necessary to study the relation of the so-called objective and subjective units, their epistemic and ontological relations.
6. Presumption: in contemporary social (and human) sciences one of the key notions is space.
Corollary: the study of space is one possibility to analyse the above aspects. The extension of semiotic treatments of space to the interdisciplinary field of social sciences involves the dynamism between private and public space.
7. Presumption: space is one possibility to explicate the relevance and essential similarity of the principles of the creation of semiotic constructions on individual, cultural and societal level.
Corollary: it is necessary to analyse the construction and semiotisation of space on individual, cultural and societal levels.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Andres Kõnno 
2.Anti RandviirTartu Ülikool