title: Lateglacial shoreline changes on the uplifting coast of Estonia
reg no: ETF6736
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.10. Geology
status: accepted
institution: Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University
head of project: Leili Saarse
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009
description: The proposed project aims to investigate the Baltic Sea early stages, development of the proglacial lakes Voose and Kemba and the Baltic Ice Lake and covers the time span of 13,300–11, 600 cal BP. The main research area is northern, northwestern and western Estonia, which lateglacial shoreline records will be critically examined and correlated with neighbouring areas (NW Russia, Latvia) using geostatistical approaches. Isobases, tilt and azimuth of coastal formations will be simulated. The palaeogeographic maps will be compiled to illustrate proglacial lake distribution and bathymetry. The co-ordinates and elevation of sites, avoided during modelling, will be measured newly in the field. Samples from the coastal formation will be collected and analysed to elucidate the genesis and lithological composition of studied landforms. Discharge routes of the proglacial lakes will be specified and the connection between the glacial lake in the Peipsi basin and that in the Baltic basin will be clarified. Finally, the database on the coastal formations will be created and open for the public domain.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Eve Niinemets 
2.Leili SaarseTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituut 
3.Jüri Vassiljev 
4.Siim Veski