title: Estonian social thought in the 19th-20th centuries: nationalism and socialism
reg no: ETF6896
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 6.1. History (incl. Archeology)
status: accepted
institution: Tallinna Ülikooli Ajaloo Instituut
head of project: Toomas Karjahärm
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009
description: The main objective of this project is to examine the history of Estonian social thought (ideas) in the 19th-20th centuries, especially nationalism and socialism, against the background of All-European developments and with the connection of outer (foreign) influences. The key aspects of this study have been: 1) General problems: historiography and methods, intellectual bases of Estonian national movement, different ideas in Russian revolution 1905, Estonian elite`s imaginations about the role of Estonia in the cultural space of Europa, intellectual change between the East and the West; 2) Nationalism and liberalism: national and regional identity, radical nationalism and national intolerance, mutual perceptions of the Estonins and national minorities (Baltic Germans, Russians, Jews, Swedes etc.),German and Russian nationalism; 3) Socialism: the spread of marxism in Estonia, German and Russian influences on Estonian socialism, the influence of Soviet Union and Komintern in Baltic countries.
The results of this project will be monographs, articles, papers, lectures, BA, MA and PhD thesis.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Andres Adamson 
2.Magnus Ilmjärv 
3.Toomas KarjahärmTallinna Ülikooli Ajaloo Instituut 
4.Väino Sirk