title: Fast Magic Angle Spinning at Cryogenic Temperatures
reg no: ETF6846
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.3. Physics
status: accepted
institution: Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
head of project: Ivo Heinmaa
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009
description: The aim of this project is to develop one of the main high resolution NMR techniques - the fast magic angle spinning (MAS-NMR) technique at cryogenic temperatures (10<T<100K) and application of this technique to study detailed structure and physical properties of samples of technological and scientific importance.
The MAS-NMR applications at cryogenic temperatures open variety of new possibilities We consider studies of novel magnetic and conducting/superconducting materials, zeolites glasses were the local structure plays a crucial role. Due to an order of magnitude better signal to noise ratio in NMR spectrum at cryogenic temperatures we see the possibilities to study materials which can be produced only in small quantities and substances with large molecules such as biological materials.
Within previous pilot project we have constructed MAS NMR cryogenic probes, suitable for temperature measurements. Nevertheless, we see the main problems which need to be solved in order to carry out low temperature measurements more efficiently. At first we need to purify the driving He-gas while all small ingredients in the gas tend to freeze in the spinner assembly. The second problem is an overall complexity of the experiment, e.g. the pressure of the driving and bearing gas should be adjusted at every temperature. Therefore we plan to build up an adequate He gas purification system and to build an automatic control system capable to stabilize and hold the sample spinning speed at given temperature.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ivo HeinmaaKeemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut 
2.Enno Joon 
3.Andres Reinhold