title: Arabidopsis RAD51 homologs and their interactions in meiosis.
reg no: ETF6904
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 1.8. Molecular Biology
1.9. Genetics, Physiology and Microbiology
status: accepted
institution: TTU Faculty of Science
head of project: Ljudmilla Timofejeva
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2008
description: In this proposal, we focus on the function of RAD51 and its homologs using Arabidopsis as the experimental system. The aim of the proposed project is to contribute to the understanding of the temporal and functional relationships between DNA events of meiotic recombination chromosome pairing and synapsis. Synaptonemal complex formation and recombination nodules will be analyzed in a series of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant plants defective in meiotic recombination (rad51, rad51c, rad51b, xrcc3, xrcc2, dmc1 and etc.) to find correlation between defects in recombination and synapsis. New alleles of these genes interupted with T-DNA will be identified and analyzed. Double mutants will be generated and analyzed using light and electron microscopy. The distribution patterns of recombinational protein RAD51 will be studied in wild-type plants and mutants known to be defective in chromosome synapsis.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Ljudmilla TimofejevaTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Matemaatika-loodusteaduskond