title: Relationship between intestinal microflora, nutrition and health indices (atherosclerosis)
reg no: ETF6782
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 3.1. Basic Medicine
status: accepted
institution: TU Faculty of Medicine
head of project: Marika Mikelsaar
duration: 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009
description: There are more than 2000 different microbes in human microflora, however, as they are mainly detected by molecular methods, there are a few data about their functions in human body. In the aging process the main role is attributed to the induction of apoptosis by reactive oxidagen or nitrogen species. Among the microflora there have been found lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria) which express antioxidative potential.
We hypothesize that
1. The number, properties and species composition of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in human individual microflora may suppress the development of atherosclerosis by the reduction of excessive oxidative stress helping to maintain the good health even in high age.
2. The consumption of a human diet, enriched with LAB enriched food and probiotics influences beneficially the functions of human microbiota, incl. its antioxidative defence.
The main aims of the study are:
1) To elaborate methods
- for comparing the relative share of indigenous lactobacilli and bifidobacteria with bacteriological and molecular methods
- for estimation of the sum total values of antioxidativity in particular patients.
2) To compare the composition of intestinal microbiota in healthy adults (20-64 y) and elderly people (>65y) and its antioxidative activity with their diet, atherogenicity and oxidative stress markers.
3) To assess the stability of intestinal microflora of persons who have been previously investigated as young after 40 years of aging.
4) To compare the intestinal microbiota in years 1969 and 2006 in association with the changes of society.
5) To formulate the suggestions about the main principles of diet based on consumption of probiotics for healthy aging.
The results of the research enable to understand the mechanisms of aging associated with human microflora and offer the possibility for pheno and genotypic characterisation of humans in association with their health status (atheroscleosis, oxidative stress). The results provide society with evidence based indications for life style to prevent early aging. The suggestions include consumption of selective probiotics. Estonian food industry can be provided with know-how for production of probiotics aimed for elderly.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Pirje Hütt 
2.Helgi Kolk 
3.Marika MikelsaarTartu Ülikool 
4.Epp Sepp 
5.Epp Songisepp 
6.Jelena Štšepetova 
7.Tiiu Vihalemm