Peep Männik

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF5920Stratigraphical, sedimentological and palaeobiological significance of frequency patterns of Early Palaeozoic microfossils. Case studies from the Baltic region
(TTÜ GI, vanemteadur)
2004 - 2007
2.SF0332524s03Ordovician-Silurian stratigraphical schemes: analyse and improvement of global and Baltic regional units based on high-resolution biostratigraphy, isotope geology and sequence stratigraphy.
(Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University, van.tead.)
2003 - 2007
3.ETF5406Lower Silurian conodonts - evolution, associations and palaeoecology, and application in high-resolution stratigraphy
(Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University, senior scientist)
2003 - 2006
4.ETF5088Boundaries, stratotypes, and integrated stratigraphy of the Wenlock Series in the northern East Baltic, and correlation with adjacent regions.
(Inst. Geol. TTU, Sen. researcher)
2002 - 2004
5.ETF4070Upper Llandovery K-Bentonites - Composition, Distribution and Application in High-Resolution Stratigraphy
(Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University, v.tead.)
2000 - 2002
6.SF0330360s98Eesti ja naaberalade varapaleosoiliste faunade võrdlus ning detailstratigraafia; paleontoloogiliste andmebaaside loomine
(Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University, vanemteadur)
1998 - 2002
7.ETF3749Reflection of Cyclical Climatic Changes in the Evolution of the Baltic Ordovician-Silurian Basin and Faunas
(Institute of Geology at Tallinn Technical University, v.tead.)
1999 - 2001