Aarne Maaroos

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0382148s02Fundamentaalnähtused laia keelutsooniga materjalides ja nende rakendusperspektiivid
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, vanemteadur)
2002 - 2006
2.ETF5027Selective detection of different types of radiation using intrinsic and impurity emissions in metal oxygen compounds
(IPUT, Sen.Scientist.)
2002 - 2004
3.ETF3867Electron-Hole and Interstitial-Vacancy Mechanisms of Information Storage in Oxide and Halide Crystals and Their Possible Applications in Selective Dosimetry
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, v.tead.)
1999 - 2001
4.SF0380180s98Fundamentaalnähtused dielektrilises materjalides ja nende rakendusperspektiivid tehnikas
(Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, vanemteadur)
1997 - 2001