Ingmar Ott

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0362482s03Formation and changes of the biological diversity under the human impact in different lake types (Estonia-Denmark-Netherlands)
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, vanemteadur)
2003 - 2007
2.ETF4835The Influence of Vertical Gradient of Substances (C, N, P, Fe, Si, S, O compounds) to the Pelagial Plankton of the Lake
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, juhataja)
2001 - 2004
3.ETF3689Invasion of Two Phytoplankton Species (Limnothrix Redekei and Gonyostomum Semen) to Estonian Lakes: Ecological, Biogeographic and Climatological Aspects
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, juhataja)
1999 - 2002
4.SF0370208s98Kihistuse mõju järve bioloogilisele aineringele
(Institute of Zoology and Botany at Estonian University of Life Sciences, vanemteadur)
1998 - 2002
5.SF0172013s01Bentiliste ränivetikate ökoloogia ja levik
(Estonian Agricultural University)
6.SF0180876s99Suvise temperatuurikihistuse mõju järve bioloogilistele ja hüdrokeemilisele aineringile
(University of Tartu)