Rein Küttner

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0142684s05Rapid Product and Process Realization - theory and methodology
(Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Professor)
2005 - 2010
2.ETF5883Simulation of rapid manufacturing processes,materials and products
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)
2004 - 2006
3.ETF5620Techniques of optimization and realisation of the portfolio of interdependent product- and manufacturing development projects for the co-operation networks of enterprises
(TTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Professor, head od Departm.)
2003 - 2005
4.SF0141421s00Konkurentsivõimelise tootearenduse ja tootmise tugisüsteemid
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)
2000 - 2004
5.ETF4311Integrated Product Development and Knowledge Based Systems in Mashine Building Industry
(Tallinn Technical University, prof.)
2000 - 2002
6.SF0140221As98Juhtimis- ja tarkvarasüsteemide projekteerimise meetodid ja vahendid raalintegreeritud süsteemides
(TTÜ Teaduskompetentsikeskus, professor)
1998 - 2002
7.SF0172076s01Eesti tööstuse innovaatilise arengu juhtimine
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)
8.SF0141289s99Masinaehituslike süsteemide FEM ja CAT mudelite analüüs
(Tallinn Technical University, professor)