Tõnu Meidla
[ curriculum vitae ]
is involved in projects | |||
no | reg no | project title, institution, position | duration |
1. | ETF6207 | Baltoscandian carbonate basin evolution and events during the Kunda and Aseri (early and middle Darriwilian) time (University of Tartu, dean, Faculty of Biology and Geography; professor,) | 2005 - 2008 |
2. | ETF6460 | Relationships between distribution of faunal assemblages and sequence stratigraphic framework in the Ordovician and Silurian of Estonia and adjacent areas (University of Tartu, dean, Faculty of Biology and Geography; professor of palaeontology and stratigraphy) | 2005 - 2008 |
3. | SF0182531s03 | Environmental indicators, palaeobiology of communities and taphonomy of the Palaeozoic marine environments. (University of Tartu, prof. inst. juh.) | 2003 - 2007 |
4. | ETF5192 | Neugrund impact structure and its influence to Early Palaeozoic sedimentary basin (Univ. Tartu, Inst. Geology, professor) | 2002 - 2004 |
5. | ETF4574 | Baltoscandian Palaeogeography and Evolution of the Environments in the Middle-Late Ordovician (University of Tartu, prof.) | 2001 - 2004 |
6. | SF0180550Bs98 | Baltoskandia pealiskorra sedimentoloogia ja paleontoloogia (University of Tartu, professor) | 1998 - 2002 |
7. | SF0180550As98 | Baltoskandia pealiskorra sedimentoloogia ja palentoloogia (University of Tartu, dotsent) | 1998 - 2002 |
8. | SF0181219s99 | Põhja-Baltikumi arenigi triolobiitide süstemaatika ja biotsonaalsus (University of Tartu) | |
9. | SF0181247s99 | Baltoskandia alamordoviitsiumi ostrakoodid (University of Tartu) | |
10. | SF0181251s99 | Baltoskandia siluri tabulaatsete korallide taksonoomia, paleoökoloogia ja levik (University of Tartu) | |
11. | SF0181603s00 | Järsud keskonnatingimuste muutused holotseenis ja hilis-pleistotseenis (University of Tartu) | |
12. | SF0181891s01 | Baltikumi siluri pristiograptiidide fülogenees, paleoökoloogia ja biostratigraafia (University of Tartu) | |
13. | SF0181892s01 | Eesti keskkonna raskmetalse saastumise fooni jälgimine ja saasteanomaaliate hinnang biokeemilisel meetodil (University of Tartu) | |
14. | SF0181893s01 | Vara-Ordoviitsiumi happeresistentsete mikrofossiilide süstemaatika ja biostartigraafia Ida-Euroopa platvormil (University of Tartu) | |
15. | SFDs02 | Baltoskandia Kesk- ja Hilis-Ordoviitsiumi paleobasseini analüüs () | |
16. | SFDs03 | Baltoskandia Siluri basseini sedimantoloogia ja evolutsioon Llandoverys () |