Helgi Kolk

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0182741s06Prediction of and intervention in the risk for common health disorders with multifactorial risk factors and readiness of family doctors to manage the risk factors
(Tartu University, Faculty of Medicine, Senior Research Fellow)
2006 - 2011
2.ETF6782Relationship between intestinal microflora, nutrition and health indices (atherosclerosis)
2006 - 2009
3.ETF6452Impact of gastrointestinal symptoms on health-related quality of life and copying with their chronic health condition: study of the patients with type 2 diabetes
(TÜ Sisekliinik, researcher)
2005 - 2008
4.SF0182141s02Krooniliste sisehaiguste muutunud kliinilised manifestatsioonid, remissiooni iseärasused sõltuvalt rakendatud ravist, arstiabi kvaliteet ja sotsiaalne toimetulek patsiendi elukvaliteeti mõjutavate teguritena: üldpopulatsioon, perearsti ja eriarsti poolt ravitavate kontingentide võrdlusuuring
(TÜ Sisekliinik, teadur)
1999 - 2006
5.ETF5239Clinical guidelines and the quality of health care as the factors affecting the course of disease, the quality of life and satisfaction with health care: the study of patients with type 2 diabetes, hypertension and bronchial asthma, and their family doctors
(Dept. of Internal Medicine, assistant)
2002 - 2004
6.ETF4383Prospective Follow-Up Study of Peptic Ulcer and Chronic Gastritis after Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori: Accent on Factors Influencing Regeneration of Gastric Mucosa and Quality of Life of Patients
(University of Tartu, assist.)
2000 - 2003