Tõnu Vooder

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6465Discovery of the differentially expressed genes in non small cell lung cancers in order to establish the molecular phenotypes, optimise the early diagnostics and strategy of the therapy
(Clinicum of Tartu University, Thoracic surgeon)
2005 - 2008
2.ETF5842Impact of CPAP Treatment on the Psychosomatic Condition of Apnoeic Patients and the Muscular Tone of the Soft Palate and the Lingual Muscle..
(TÜ Kardiovaskulaar ja torakaalkirurgia Kliinik, doktorant, arst-õppejõud)
2004 - 2007
3.SFDs03Lamerakulise kopsuvähi tuumorsupressorgeenide staatuse ja ekspressioonimustri uurimine varase diagnostika ja ravimahtude objektiviseerimise võimalikkuse hindamise eesmärgiga
(University of Tartu, PhD student)