Pirje Hütt

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.ETF6782Relationship between intestinal microflora, nutrition and health indices (atherosclerosis)
2006 - 2009
2.SF0182555s03Human microbial ecology and the possibilities for its modulation in the pathogenesis of main chronic diseases spread in Estonia
(University of Tartu, doktorant)
2003 - 2007
3.ETF5525Identification of new antimicrobial peptides and possible use for development of non-antibiotic drugs.
(University of Tartu, PhD student)
2003 - 2006
4.SFDs03Laktobatsillaarsete probiootikumide antimikroobse ja tervist parandava toime kindlakstegemine
(University of Tartu, PhD student)