Mihhail Pikkov

[ curriculum vitae ]

is involved in projects
no reg no project title, institution, position duration
1.SF0142737s06Electronic components and subsystems for mission critical embedded systems
(Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Infotechnology, Associate Professor)
2006 - 2011
2.ETF5901Wide bandgap semiconductors based Schottky interfaces: transport models for charge carriers and electro physical phenomena influencing the parameters of the transport models
(Tallinn Technical University, vanemteadur)
2004 - 2006
3.SF0141754As01Seire ja andmehõivesüsteemid: elektroonsed komponendid, tehnoloogia, lülitused; mudelid, algoritmid, süsteemi-integratsiooni meetodid
(Tallinn Technical University, teadur)
2001 - 2005
4.ETF4869Silicon Carbide Based Schottky Interfaces: Electrical Characteristics and Models, Measurement and Test of the Structures
(Tallinn Technical University, v.tead.)
2001 - 2003
5.SF0140236s98Mikrotehnoloogial põhinevad elektroonikakomponendid ja -süsteemid ning intelligentsed mõõtevahendid
(Tallinn Technical University, teadur)
1996 - 2000