title: Evaluating the STL Philosophy: The Influence of Constructivist Instruction on Students' Learning of Socio-Scientific Reasoning in Science.
reg no: ETF5663
project type: Estonian Science Foundation research grant
subject: 5. Social Sciences
status: completed
institution: TU Faculty of Biology and Geography
head of project: Miia Rannikmäe
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2005
description: Goals: 1. To ascertain the appropriateness of evaluation of the STL philosophy through constructivist instruction. 2.To develop a philosophy of socio-scientific reasoning* in an Estonian context and determine its applicability in other countries (*reasoning where science knowledge are needed in solving social issue-based problem-solving or decision-making). 3.To develop a theory for the justified categorisation of constructivist instruction, to develop and justify categories of constructivist instruction* ( *relevance for learners be considered) and to find factors which will influence the process of creation and usage of constructivist instructions. 4.To describe the nature of students' explanation building during group investigation using analytical tools and case studies.
5. To evaluate the process of promoting socio-scientific reasoning skill among students through learning science. 6.To apply phenomenographical approaches on the development of ownership of creation constructivist instructions by teachers and develop a strategy for the creation of consequence maps for, and by, teachers.

Expected results:
1.Determining factors which influence the development of socio-scientific reasoning skill among students and tools for evaluating that skill.
2.Creation of a set of theoretically justified instructions, relevant for students for teaching science.
3. Formation of a theoretical framework for teaching science for greater public understanding and career awareness.
4. Analyical models to describe and evaluate the development of students' socio-scientific reasoning skill.
5. Suggestions for curriculum developers and textbook authors for making science teaching more relevant for society needs.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Jack HolbrookTartu Universityvisiting professor 
2.Klaara KaskTartu UniversityPhD student 
3.Ülle LiiberTartu Universityteadur, doktorant 
4.Miia RannikmäeTU Faculty of Biology and GeographySen.researcher 
5.Margit TellerTartu UniversityMSc student 
6.Moonika TeppoTartu Universitymagistrant