title: Towards a Philosophy of Relevance in Science Education and Factors Influencing its Operationalisation
reg no: SF0182529Bs03
project type: targeted financing
subject: 5. Social Sciences
status: accepted
institution: Tallinn University of Educational Sciences
head of project: Miia Rannikmäe
duration: 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2007
description: This research focuses on the need to increase the popularity of science subjects for students and raise public awareness of science and technology among the general public through developing strategies for making school science more relevant for students and society. The major goal is to elucidate the concept of relevance for science education and find factors influencing its operationalisation in the classroom. It builds on previous research carried out on the philosophy of scientific and technological literacy (STL), concept mapping through computer simulation and involves international partners. As outcomes of the research it is expected to show: how the gap existing between the intended philosophy and its implementation in the classroom can be minimised; to present models how to guide teachers towards more relevant teaching, involving higher order cognitive skills (especially socio-scientific reasoning); and create tools for assessing student attitudes towards science, and computer-based evaluation of students cognitive achievement.

project group
no name institution position  
1.Anu PartsTallinn University of Educational Sciencesteadur 
2.Miia RannikmäeTallinn University of Educational Sciences 
3.Priit ReiskaTallinn University of Educational Sciencesvanemteadur 
4.Anneli RoodeTallinn University of Educational Sciencesmagistrant 
5.Kirsti RäimTallinn University of Educational Sciencesmagistrant 
6.Kristi RäimTallinn University of Educational Sciencesmagistrant 
7.Jaak UmborgTallinn University of Educational Sciencesosak.juh.