Aleksandr Luštšik
[ curriculum vitae ]
is involved in projects | |||
no | reg no | project title, institution, position | duration |
1. | ETF6652 | Non-Impact Mechanisms of Defect Creation in Metal Oxides and Fluorides (Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut) | 2006 - 2008 |
2. | SF0382148s02 | Fundamentaalnähtused laia keelutsooniga materjalides ja nende rakendusperspektiivid (Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, lab. juh.) | 2002 - 2006 |
3. | ETF5860 | XV Rahvusvaheline konverents "Defektid dielektrilistes materjalides" (15th International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials, ICDIM-2004) (TU Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, professor, lab juh.) | 2004 - 2004 |
4. | ETF5029 | Groups of spatially correlated excitations or defects created by single VUV photons in wide-gap crystals (Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Professor, Head of Laboratory) | 2002 - 2004 |
5. | ETF3868 | Relaxation, Self-Trapping and Multiplication of Excitations in Dielectrcs under Irradiation by VUV Radiation and Electrons (Institute of Physics at University of Tartu, | 1999 - 2001 |
6. | SF0380180s98 | Fundamentaalnähtused dielektrilises materjalides ja nende rakendusperspektiivid tehnikas (University of Tartu, korr. prof.) | 1997 - 2001 |
7. | SF0181951s01 | MgO omadefektidega seotud protsesside uurimine (University of Tartu) | |
8. | SF0181952s01 | Puhaste ja aktiveeritud kristallide MeWO4 spektraal omaduste uurimine (University of Tartu) | |
9. | SF0181028s99 | ns2 lisandiioonidegatseesium-ja strontsiumhalogeniidkristallide aeglahutusega polarisatsioonspektroskoopia (University of Tartu) |